
Create Ukraine - Call for Application

In today’s globalized world, the younger generation is increasingly mobile. Young people leave their home countries searching for the careers they aspire to. CREATE UKRAINE aims to bring change-makers – young Ukrainians who have acquired valuable international experience – back to their homeland to apply their skills in building a robust economic system and implementing vital reforms. This project is being implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine. To ensure they can maximize the impact of their work, the young professionals receive comprehensive support and professional development opportunities from the Kyiv School of Economics. Send your application before July 31, 2024. For ten months, the selected candidates will join the advisory and consultative team at the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine and receive: Responsibility for state-building processes Targeted training programs in leadership, policy analysis, and project management Seminars and workshops from leading experts Mentorship from top officials of the Ukrainian Government Direct opportunity to change the country A strong community of change-makers Strategic partnerships between the Government and Society Challenges that we will overcome together! Learn about the desired qualifications, the application process and other FAQs here.
Create Ukraine

Training: EU Projects’ Design And Management

Brussels Academy which equips professionals with skills that will facilitate their access to the job market via structured training sessions and mentorship programs. Within this scope, a professional training session on EU project proposal writing and project management is being offered in cooperation with Vocal Europe. The training aims at providing a thorough understanding of the basic techniques for designing a project proposal for an EU programme, including the Logical Framework Approach which is mandatory in many EU programmes, and will allow the participants to acquire the hand-on experience and practical knowledge on how to write winning project proposal and how to implement/manage successfully obtained projects. At the end of the training session, the newly trained Project Proposal Writers or Project Managers will be able to: Work within the framework of funded projects of EU calls Write winning project proposals and obtain an important budget Implement and monitor project activities, budgets, time schedules, and work packages This training session aims to provide participants with the expertise required to apply for the following positions: Project Officer Project Assistant Junior Project Manager Project administrator Project proposal writer Target audience The training is designed for members of the universities, research institutes, private sector, SMEs, NGOs, students and individuals who are interested in deepening their expertise on writing project proposals and implementation of approved project. This training will be focused on application for anyone of the most popular open calls for EU competitive grants and other tenders/funders. Other information Time: 23-24 August 2024 Place: Zoom Fee: 400 Euros (+21% VAT) See the agenda here 
Brussels Academy

Mainstreaming of Disability in Humanitarian Action: Meaningful Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action

In this training, you will learn how to apply the IASC Guidelines on the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Actions, focusing on the four must-do actions. You will improve your knowledge of Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs), understand their structure, and what it means to collaborate at eye level. You will also gain knowledge on supporting participation through practical arrangements like reasonable accommodation and application of the twin-track approach. Finally, you will gain practical knowledge on implementing inclusive approaches for all individuals with different types of disabilities, including women, men, girls, and boys. The training will follow a “blended learning” approach which includes online and in-person sessions. The training starts with a half-day online introduction and an online self-learning exercise of around 60 minutes. The two-day (September 18 & 19) face-to-face workshop in Berlin, co-facilitated by Organizations of Persons with Disabilities from Cameroon, will include a diverse mix of input presentations and practical case studies, group work, plenary discussions, and the option for individual advisory sessions. The target group consists of Project managers and technical advisors of German-based humanitarian actors and their (local) offices and partners with experience in humanitarian action programming. Learn more about this training.
Academy for Humanitarian Action

Training: EU Projects’ Design And Management

Brussels Academy which equips professionals with skills that will facilitate their access to the job market via structured training sessions and mentorship programs. Within this scope, a professional training session on EU project proposal writing and project management is being offered in cooperation with Vocal Europe. The training aims at providing a thorough understanding of the basic techniques for designing a project proposal for an EU programme, including the Logical Framework Approach which is mandatory in many EU programmes, and will allow the participants to acquire the hand-on experience and practical knowledge on how to write winning project proposal and how to implement/manage successfully obtained projects. At the end of the training session, the newly trained Project Proposal Writers or Project Managers will be able to: Work within the framework of funded projects of EU calls Write winning project proposals and obtain an important budget Implement and monitor project activities, budgets, time schedules, and work packages This training session aims to provide participants with the expertise required to apply for the following positions: Project Officer Project Assistant Junior Project Manager Project administrator Project proposal writer Target audience The training is designed for members of the universities, research institutes, private sector, SMEs, NGOs, students and individuals who are interested in deepening their expertise on writing project proposals and implementation of approved project. This training will be focused on application for anyone of the most popular open calls for EU competitive grants and other tenders/funders. Other information Time: 26-27 September 2024 Place: Zoom Fee: 400 Euros (+21% VAT) See the agenda here   
Brussels Academy

Global Somali Diaspora International Conference 2024

2024 is the 10th anniversary of the Global Somali Diaspora, uniting the community worldwide.This anniversary reflects on GSD’s past achievements and future plans. The theme of this year’sconference, “The Role of the Somali Diaspora”, aims to celebrate the significant contributions ofSomalis abroad to their host countries and homelands and to foster a renewed vision of collectiveaction. The GSD’s conference aims to celebrates a decade of the Global Somali Diaspora programmes and aims to unite and improve the Somali community, both at home and abroad. Activities include speeches, panels on topics like development, investment, entrepreneurship, education, health care, social innovation, the Somali-Turkish relationship, and exploring the role of the Somali diaspora in strengthening the relationship between Somalia and the African continent. Target audience: Somali diaspora, government officials, policymakers, private sector leaders, development agencies, INGOs and CSOs, academics, researchers, practitioners, and cultural leaders with expertise in diaspora and Somalia.
Istanbul, Türkiye
Global Somali Diaspora (GSD)

DEMAC is a global initiative aiming at enhancing mutual knowledge and coordination, communication and coherence between diaspora humanitarian actors and the institutional humanitarian system.

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