Grow - Training for future leaders and culture carriers
The purpose of GROW is to ensure a continuous talent pool of future leaders while strengthening the culture bearers who take on informal leadership in organisations.
We have designed the programme in a way that will help you clarify whether the leadership path is the right path for you. Your clarification is the focus and the main goal of the programme.
We work with what future leadership might mean for you, so that you can navigate the cross-pressure that team and middle managers often face. At GROW, we touch on the overall role and future of civil society, while diving into personal leadership and exploring the leadership role and leading in a complex organisation. In addition, you will gain tools and knowledge that can help you translate shared goals into action, something that is useful in practice whether you choose the leadership path or not.
Learn more about the course here.
Dates: 17-18 April and 30 April, 2024
Place: Copenhagen, Denmark
Price: 5000 DKK
At Grow you will get:
We offer you an education that will strengthen both your organisational understanding and your personal leadership through knowledge sharing, exercises and conversations over three days. Your clarification of whether the leadership path is for you is in focus. In addition, you can look forward to joining a strong network and community of like-minded people who can recognise the conditions and opportunities that characterise work in an NGO.
At Grow you will learn:
- To navigate the journey from being an employee to becoming a leader
- To connect your own values to your organisation's cause
- To reflect on your personal role and potential leadership
- To bind the role you have today to the role you want in the future
- To understand the role of civil society organisations in society and conditions for leadership
What does Grow require from you?
Preparation time for each module in the form of reading articles and completing small assignments. Participation in 3 full course days (9-16) spread over 2 modules (2 days + 1 day).
It is an advantage if your participation is anchored with your immediate manager. Before the course starts, you should discuss why you are considering leadership as a career option for you. After the course, you can follow up with a focus on what you have learnt about your future role.
Image credit: Unsplash/Milad Fakurian